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Saturday, June 26, 2004

Yet another template change

I'm tweaking around with the template. Expect more changes over the week to come

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Brian Hubbard, The Gloria Record Posted by Hello

Ben Houtman, The Gloria Record. I took these photos during Baybeats 2003 Posted by Hello

David M from Fonzie. Taken October 2003, Baybeats music festival Posted by Hello

Carlos Teixeira from the group Fonzie. I took this photo during the Baybeats 2003 music festival, October 2003. Posted by Hello

Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ?

Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ? BlogThis! is a simple bookmarklet to make posting to blogger easy. Check out the page for more details. This thing rocks.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Amnesty International - Stop Violence Against Women

Stop Violence Against Women

From birth to death, in times of peace as well as war, women face discrimination and violence at the hands of the state, the community and the family.

Do something about it

Monday, June 07, 2004

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

The Nice programming language

The Nice programming language

Could this be THE hot new concept in programming languages ? The Nice programming language is a totally new, independant language. However, and this is the cool part, it gets compiled into java bytecode. This means that anyone who has the JRE can execute a program written in Nice.

The idea is by no means new. In fact, it is similar to how many languages are all compiled into the same IL bytecode in the .Net environment. However, making it compatible with Java bytecode gives all the portability benefits that Java has to offer. Will this become a trend among new languages ? Create good language features, and become instantly portable by compiling into bytecode ?