The above image is from the first page of Steve McConnell's book "Software Project Survival Guide". This is such a stunning image. For anyone who has worked in software, will immediately understand what it means, and yet the point comes through so beautifully and simply. "If only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it. And then he feels that perhaps there isn't." Amazing. Steve, you are a genius, and I'm your biggest fan.

Hey! :-) Did I send this to you, or did you pick it up on your own ? I remember the way I froze in my tracks the first time I saw this... A masterpiece! :-)
I was reading this book yesterday, when I came across this image. Its an amazing image.
Here is more information on that image -
Hey guys ... (Perfekt and K)
I just fail to understand the connection between the picture and the Software Development process. Can you elaborate ??
I ain't a software bloke and I didn't get it...so can you elaborate?
Basically it shows how in most companies software development goes from crisis to crisis with everyone banging their head on obstacles. Because of the tight schedules there is no time to think of something better. And everyone feels that there must be a better way to do it, and then decide that if there was, then why do the other companies do the same thing ? So they assume that there is no other way and dont think about it any more, and so make the same mistakes on the next project and on the project after that and so on.
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