Thursday, September 02, 2010

Review of the Facebook Live Stream widget

At today's Agile Chennai event we tried using Facebook's live streaming widget to live stream event updates.

There were a couple of major problems which prevented it from really being useful.

  1. The live stream only shows some of the live stream updates. So some people see one set of updates, others see another set of updates, all chosen randomly. This kind of made it a lot less useful as people miss out updates and lose the context
  2. Every update made on the widget is also posted on the wall, so if you make a lot of updates, it ends up spamming your wall
  3. The wall updates look just like regular wall updates, so friends miss out the context that you are actually commenting on a live event, instead thinking that it is a regular status update about yourself
  4. Friends commented on the wall updates, which was nice. Wish there was a way to pull in these conversations into the live stream too. Otherwise there are fragmented conversations on each person's wall, plus the live stream
Anyone know of solutions/workarounds to these?

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