Sunday, March 01, 2009

The crisis of credit explained

Via hatke, check out this awesome video on the credit crisis:

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post Siddhartha!! I work for an organization which has people of your kind. Maybe it will be of interest to you to check out the following post -

    Dear Friend,
    Greetings! During these historic moments of transformation, it seems possible that we are all capable of making change happen! Indicorps was founded on the possibility that Indians from around the world could come together and serve on the forefront of challenges that face India. The applications for the August 2009 Fellowship are now open!

    With our mutual commitment to serving the South Asian community, we hope that you will post our announcement on your blog to share this opportunity with young Indians. Please hurry – the application deadline is March 15, 2009.

    Our flier is available here:

    Thank you for your support!
    Warm regards in service,
    Indicorps August 2009 Fellowship Application Now Available

    Indicorps, an international non-profit, offers competitive fellowships for people of Indian origin willing to challenge themselves for one to two years on unique grassroots development projects in India. Fellowships are designed as one-of-a-kind transformational experiences, emphasizing both public service and personal growth, building upon leadership skills and the capacity to make a difference.

    Indicorps announces over 30 competitive new projects for the August 2009 Indicorps Fellowship. Indicorps seeks a few dozen dedicated young Indian leaders who are willing to challenge themselves and “be the change.” You will have the opportunity to tackle real issues in education, microenterprise, social entrepreneurship, environmental conservation, public health, urban infrastructure, and much more. Live simply and dig deep to learn about real India (and yourself); projects span from Kanpur to Pondicherry, Gujarat to Madhya Pradesh. To learn more, visit

    Application deadline: March 15, 2009

    Contact: If you have any questions or need any more information, please contact us at or visit us online at
