Thursday, January 24, 2008

A whole bunch of events are coming up

Now that is over, what next? I was checking out the list of upcoming events and February is quite packed.

To start with, FossConf Chennai takes place from 1st to 3rd of February. Take a look at the talks that have been lined up.

The next meeting of the Chennai OpenCoffee Club also takes place on the 3rd of February at Amethyst.

The weekend after that sees DevCamp at Bangalore. DevCamp was started after frustration that the Bangalore BarCamp is becoming less technical these days. So DevCamp will probably be a hardcore tech unconference. No "intro to xyz" talks here. Speakers can assume the audience has a sufficiently deep tech background and style their talks accordingly. Oh, and Martin Fowler will be attending as well.

Later in February is WebCamp in Chennai. This camp will discuss different web frameworks. I'll probably give a talk on Django. The guys are working in Erlang, so I expect that they will talk on writing web apps in Erlang. Expect a session on RoR from Vamsee or the RailsFactory guys. The dates are not finalised yet, but I'm hoping that this happens on the weekend of 15th.

(Hint: An easy way to keep track of community tech events happening in India is to join the India Unconferences and Events group on Upcoming)


  1. Do you need to be a member of coffee club to attend ? Or can a random guy from Bangalore just walk in ?

  2. yeah you can just walk in.. its open for anyone to drop by
