Thursday, January 10, 2008

10 days to

The third edition of is almost here. Just 10 days to go. If you've been planning to attend, register fast before it closes. The agenda for the event has also been released (Download the agenda here).

The agenda is roughly modeled on the previous event.

On Day 1 (thats the 18th), we have two tracks of talks. One track covers business and the other technology. Take a look at the agenda, because the talks look very interesting indeed. As usual, its going to be tough choosing which talks to attend.

Then move on to Day 2 (the 19th) for the core event. The twenty startups that have been selected will come on stage to present their products, followed by an open networking session.

If you attended last time, then you already know why you should attend this time as well. If you haven't attended before, then now is the chance to come and see what it is all about. You can register for the event here.

1 comment:

  1. hi sid

    could u develop a mashup for giving traffic directions from chennai to asiana hotel.
    i shall like to link it to my blog post on
