Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Django screencast: Template inheritance, filters and newforms

Following up on my first Django screencast, I've put up the second screencast in the Learn Django series. Like the first one, its hosted on showmedo.com and you can view the screencast here.

The second screencast extends the wiki application we built in the first part by adding a menu, support for auto-linking of wikiwords and a feature to search through the database. In the process, you'll learn about some cool Django features such as template inheritance, custom filter libraries and Django newforms. Django newforms in particular is a very cool form handling library that can really cut down on boilerplate form generation and validation code.

Interested? Check out the screencast.


  1. Awesome screencast again, Siddhi!

    Interesting topics, delivered in a well-paced, logical and easy to follow way.

    I can't wait to see the next part of your series...:-)

  2. Cool! Glad that you liked it. Is there any particular topic that you would like covered?

  3. Great work! Your screencast are really good! Is there a chance you can make a part 3 about internationalization and having wikipages in different languages? Thank you!

  4. Thanks for the topic request for the next screencast!

  5. How to create a Django template completely with CSS.... Can u give some Examples....

  6. Hi bakiya, I don't understand your question. What do you mean by completely with CSS? The templates use the standard HTML and CSS that you have in a normal site.
