Monday, August 13, 2007

Organising your own OpenCoffee Club

Bangalore OpenCoffee Club Meetup

Following on from the Chennai OpenCoffee Club, Vaibhav and Ramjee are organising an OpenCoffee Club in Bangalore. OpenCoffee Club is is a place for people involved in the startup ecosystem to meet in an informal setting.

Read more about the Bangalore OpenCoffee Club and if you are interested in attending, join the bangalore opencoffee google group.

Organising your own OpenCoffee Club Meetup

Starting your own opencoffee meetup is very simple. Here is what we did:
  • Decide on a time and place. The place should allow a small crowd to have noisy discussions as they roam around the place. Make it easily accessible. We chose 3pm Sunday mainly because there is less traffic — otherwise it is a pain driving through rush hour.
  • Next you need to announce the meetup. We
    • Posted about it in our blogs. Kiruba picked it up and posted it in his blog
    • Sent a mail to the python, ruby and linux user groups
  • For other cities, the local Barcamp, MoMo, LUG and other such groups are good places to announce the event
  • Finally you need to turn up at the give time and place and let the event happen. We had a quick introduction at the beginning then broke for food/coffee and let the individual discussions happen.
Thats pretty much it. The cool thing about OpenCoffee Club meetups is that there is very little organising overhead, which makes it easy to organise and attend.


  1. Hi Siddhi,
    Thanks for putting up the post and publicizing the event.


  2. Hi Sid,
    I hope you remember me,I am not able to come for the coffeeclub meeting since i had a project delivery,can you post the event pics or videos,

    Thanks for organising such event

    How to add the open coffeeclub log in my blog


  3. Guys - be great to publicize these events on main OCC site ( - pls email me to saul AT klein DOT name and I will add details
