Sunday, April 08, 2007

Mobile Monday Chennai

Update: See here for the latest update.

Varun Krishnan is organising the first Mobile Monday event in Chennai. Mobile Monday is something like Barcamp in the sense that its a tech gathering, except that the event is only 3 hours long and the topics revolve around mobility.

Mobile Monday, as its name states, is supposed to be on a Monday, usually after work. The upcoming Chennai event, however, will be on a Sunday (some people call this Mobile Monday on a Sunday or MMS). Mobile Monday is also supposed to be once a month, usually the first Monday of the month. The Chennai edition will be once a quarter instead. If there is demand, the frequency will be increased.

So here are the details

Date: April 22nd, Sunday (2 weeks from today) Update: The date has been changed to sometime in May
Time: 10am to 1pm
Venue: Mobile Worx office

The schedule is three tech talks, 20 minutes each and three product demos, 20 minutes each followed by lunch.

I've signed up for a talk on Location Based Services. I'll be talking about a couple of projects that I did while I was in Singapore.

If you are interested in giving a talk, head over to the Speakers wiki page and add your name there.

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