Saturday, February 03, 2007

Right after comes

Do you use wikis? Fascinated by them? Never heard of them? Want to know more? Then you need to attend wikicamp, India's first event dedicated to wikis. Think of it as blogcamp for wikis.

Another reason why you should attend — Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia will be attending!! Yep, thats right. is an unconference, which means that anyone can come and everyone can participate. Find out how wikis are used on the Internet, how they are changing knowledge management in enterprises and even how they can be used to organise your personal content. Find out more about user generated content and collaborative editing and how they are changing the way we use the Internet.

This event takes place on the 25th of Febuary, Sunday, at Tidel Park, Chennai (map). For more information, take a look at the event wiki. To register, just add your name to the participant page.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great event with Jimmy Wales coming over to Chennai! wish I could be there...
