Thursday, February 22, 2007

Upcoming conferences

There are a lot of conferences (and unconferences) coming up in the next few months. The calendar is pretty packed. Here are some that I'm keeping track of, in order of the dates:
  • (25 Feb): For a start, is happening this Sunday. It looks to be very interesting, with almost 300 participants signed up including the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales. Also check out the Speaker list, and add your name if you are interested in giving a talk. And don't forget to join the mailing list for announcements.
  • FOSS @ NIT Calicut (2-4 Mar): There is a FOSS conference coming up at NIT Calicut on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of March. More information on the FCI Wikia
  • ChennaiPy workshop (17 Mar): The next gathering of the ChennaiPy group will be a workshop on the more advanced Python concepts. It will be in Chennai on the 17th of March (Sunday). Take a look at the ChennaiPy wiki to attend or give a talk. I'll be giving an introduction to decorators, and will be touching on my blog post, “Using Python decorators to implement guards.” If you are interested in Python and are in Chennai, do drop by. If you would like to talk about something in Python, go ahead and add the topic to the wiki.
  • Bangalore Barcamp 3 (tentatively Mar): Planning has started for the third edition of the Bangalore Barcamp. If you are interested in organising or attending, I suggest joining the bangalore_barcamp mailing list. Take a look at the call for organisers here.
  • Python Conference (tentatively April): There are plans for a first Python conference in India. Again, join the BangPypers list to keep track of this. If you would like to help out in organising, reply to this thread.
  • Agile India 2007 (tentatively July): If you are interested in agile software development, then look out for Agile India 2007. Planning has started, check out the call for organisers on the mailing list.

1 comment:

  1. Dates for Bangalore Barcamp 3 have been fixed for Mar 31, Apr 1. To register, head over to wiki page at

    Edit the page and add you name to the list.
