Monday, January 15, 2007

Silver Stripe website is up!

After working on it for most of last week and this, I'm happy to say that the Silver Stripe website is up! Some stuff that you ought to check out:Of course, if you are into software delivery, and for more about Catalyst, check out the Silver Stripe blog.


  1. Sid, here's wishing the very best for SilverStripe.

    The website is simple and elegant.

    Way to go!

  2. hi siddharta, wish you all the best for silver stripe!

    But it looks like there is something wrong with the site. All the links are giving 404 and the main site is getting redirected to

  3. Oops! something was wrong with my DNS server. i am able to see the site. sorry for giving trouble.

  4. Hey guys, thanks a lot ( hint: beta program applications are open :) )
