Sunday, November 12, 2006

Returning to Chennai

Last Friday was my last day of work here in Singapore. I will be returning to India sometime this week. I've been in Singapore for four and a half awesome years. So why am I returning? I just get this feeling in me that a lot of cool stuff is going to happen in India. So far, India has only been seen as a cheap destination for outsourcing, but that is starting to change. There are a lot of startups, interesting conferences and user groups that are being formed. I could feel the change in the environment when I was in Bangalore a year ago. Very different from when I was there four years ago.

Yesterday, I found that the second Barcamp Bangalore is going to be held on December 2-3. This is exactly what I mean. In the last year there have been Barcamps in virtually all the major cities. Add in stuff like the Agile India conferences,, TieCon India.. the list goes on. Can you imagine that the Bangalore Python yahoo group has 230 members? A few years ago, I would have stuggled to find ten people interested in a language that is outside of what is used at work. Very cool. Its for stuff like this that I'm coming back.


  1. Cool man..sounds like fun ! Atleast this way I'll get to meet you when I go there sometime..

