Sunday, October 22, 2006, Chennai, January 20-21, 2007

What is is positioning to be something like the DEMO conference. From the blog:

One question that came up over and over again, was the question of What this event is supposed to achieve and what is the goal that we are aiming for? It’s simple. We are not just an outsourcing destination. We have innovation happening and we just want to shout that out to the world, so that the investments are varied and will also take that into account.

The event is scheduled for the dates of January 20th and 21st. We are narrowing down on the venues and the final list of companies will be 30 of them, with ten minute slots to present and make their pitch. The three questions that basically need answering are:

1. Who are you?
2. What do you do?
3. Why do you want the money? or What can you do with more money?

This is a pretty exciting time to be in India. Lots of cool stuff happening.

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