Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Yahoo! Web Services

[via Ryan Tomakyo] Yahoo! has jumped onto the web services bandwagon with Yahoo! Web Services. In another telling blow to the SOAP camp, Yahoo went ahead with a REST based architecture [In REST, you use URIs to access resources rather than complex XML messages - Click here for a good introduction]. I wouldn't be surprised to see SOAP dying a slow death over the next few years.


  1. havent got into your the links you have posted in this blog....

    but as you forsee the SOAP going into oblivion in the time to come, what will happen to the SOA chatter we see all around these days...

  2. SOA only means Service Oriented Architecture. It can be implemented by both SOAP and REST web services.

    Check out this URL: http://webservices.xml.com/pub/a/ws/2003/09/30/soa.html

  3. and this: http://billburnham.blogs.com/burnhamsbeat/2004/12/rest_vs_soap_wh.html
