Friday, February 11, 2005

Carly's Gone. HP Celebrates.

[via Joanna Rothman] A stinging article on Carly's time at HP: Carly's Gone. HP Celebrates. It's kind of sad really. A once great company, now struggling for its very survival. Quoting from the article:

In the midst of the revelry, excited employees openly talked of their frustrations with Fiorina's management style, which seemed to place Wall Street expectations ahead of nose-to-the-grindstone innovation, the very bedrock upon which HP was built. This is, after all, the company that is credited with developing the first personal computer in 1968, a string of scientific calculators, and the desktop ink jet and laser printers.

Fiorina's obsession with Wall Street pushed much innovation to the side, and eventually led to a rather unsettling change in the HP work environment: the company's very first layoffs. When it was all said and done, 15,000 of the then 85,000 workers found themselves without a job by the end of 2003.

Update: Red Herring wrote an open letter to Carly Fiorina in January 2002. Here it is.

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