Thursday, December 02, 2004

Can you believe this ?

[The predecessor of this post is here]

Windows Update seems to have taken matters into its own hands. When I left the computer running for the night, it seems to have -- get this -- rebooted on its own! Wow. When I arrive at work today I see this nice little bubble box on the system tray which said something along the lines of "Windows has rebooted your machine and completed the update. Your computer is now protected". In the process, it took out half a weeks work.

If it wasn't bad enough having an annoying dialog box pop up much too frequently and have me click on Restart Later every single time, it now turns out that it completely ignores your choice and reboots anyway. What probably happened was that the dialog box popped up sometime during the night, and as I wansn't around it would have stayed on screen. After a while of no response, it probably decided to ignore the fact that I had clicked Restart Later no less than fifty times during the day (of course, it probably doesnt keep count of this), and went ahead and rebooted anyway. Amazing, simply amazing.


  1. Boy!!!!! that true ???????

    This is outrageous ...just cant believe that ....

    This reminds me of that 'revenge' video which I got by email some time ago in which there was this Photo Copier machine which was not functioning properly and the girl using it started kicking it ... out of frustation ..... and then what happened ... the copier converted itself into a robotic monster and kicked the girl back .....

    Windows guys are reachin there soon.....


    Have you seen that video clip K ?

  2. Yes, I agree. I have long maintained that Windows XP Service Pack 2 is the work of the Devil.
