Sunday, November 14, 2004

Flickr badge

Added a flickr badge. This is the photo strip that you see on top. The badge contains the newest five photos that I've uploaded on flickr.


  1. Actually its seven photos now

  2. Must be configurable :-) Also, can you put someone else's flickr on that ? Would be interesting if you could...

    Nice look overall :-)

    Was also thinking one random image from all your albums zoomed-in would also be a cool idea, then everytime someone hits your page, they'd see a new picture up close. Just thinking out loud :-)

  3. You can put your contacts photos on it. You can also put a single blown up image. And you can put random images also. The reason I put thumbnails is because they are the correct size to gel with the design. Otherwise they would be much too prominent. As for random images, you can see that on the zeitgeist on the sidebar.
