Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Spread Firefox - Ten Days

Results of the first spread firefox campaign are out! The aim was for 1 million downloads of Firefox Preview Release in 10 days. The result ?

  • 10 days.

  • 2 million downloads of the Firefox Preview Release.

  • 10,000 registered users.

  • 100,000+ referrals by our 100 most active participants.

This is great news. The second spread firefox campaign is running. The goal is to get 10,000 new users for the SFX (spread firefox) campaign over the next 10 days. Signing up is as simple as clicking my referral link (it gives me referral points), and entering an username and email address. As an added incentive, you can collect points for everyone else that you refer, by passing others your referral link for others to sign up.

So go join up already!

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