Saturday, November 08, 2008

Zebras fight for dominance

Zebras fight for dominance
Originally uploaded by Siddhi
I took the photo on the right in September. It shows two zebras fighting for dominance.

This is part of a complex ritual that zebras use to show dominant behaviour. It starts with zebras pressing sides together and rubbing cheeks and ends up with both zebras jumping on their forelegs. The entire ritual is explained in more detail on this page.

The first time I saw this, I was completely unprepared to take a photo. I have a photo with the heads cut off because I didn't expect them to stand up. I was better prepared after reading about the ritual. The next time I saw a zebra issue a challenge, I waited with the camera in position knowing that they will eventually jump. The result is this photograph.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Chennai OCC November Meet: New venue - Ascendas Food Court

The November meetup of the Chennai OpenCoffee Club is tomorrow. There is a change in venue this month. We are meeting at the Ascendas food court at 3pm instead of the usual location at Amethyst. If you have never been to this food court, then the website has a handy map with the location of the venue. Basically it at Taramani, behind IIT and Tidel Park.

Now if you are unsure of what the Chennai OpenCoffee Club actually is, its a place for entrepreneurs, would-be entrepreneurs, and everyone else involved with startups to meet informally (that means no need to join a group or pre-register and no entry fees). We have a meet on the first Sunday of the month. The meetups are open to everyone. Join the Chennai OCC website to get an email notification before every meetup.

On the topic of the OCC website, I just wanted to point out the Chennai OCC website has a forum, so do join in the coversations.

Plus a new feature that is available is that all discussions on the website are now available as an RSS feed — Click here for the Chennai OCC forum feed — so its a really good idea to subscribe to the feed in your favourite blog reader. That will allow you to keep track of the Chennai OCC forums and, if you have joined the website, you can then join in the coversation.